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Legal Issues on Domain Name: A world Wide Watch(从全球范围看域名法律问题)(2000)

作者:杨春宝律师 来自:法律桥 时间:2004-12-19 20:31:16 点击:

IV. Conclusion

The legal issues on domain name and the organization and management of the DNS has been the subject of intensive discussions throughout the world over the past a few years. These discussions have been motivated by a desire to institutionalize the functions associated with the management of the DNS in a manner which will permit the system to accommodate the growing volume of traffic on the Internet and to be administered in a stable, reliable, competitive and open way, taking into account the interests of all Internet stakeholders.

As mentioned above, the conflicts between domain names and trademarks and other legitimate rights of identity mainly because the different registration and adminitration system. Under the existing domain name system, problems can only be solved in some respective aspects. We must establish a new system to reduce the problems to the minimum extent. Since trademark system is well established after more than 100 years development, we can adopt some valuable principles for the new system. In the new system, while non-commercial used domain names should still be keep open to all persons and entities in specific TLDs such as .nom and .org, commercial used domain names should be registered in certain related class under relative ccTLD. The classification should be world wide uniform and should not be conflict with trademark classification. Only recognized well-known trademarks, domain names and other names can be registered under .com. As WIPO noted that restrictions can have an effect on reducing the tension between domain names and intellectual property rights. Under the new system, problems would be prevented rather than remedied after the fact.

As the Internet is multijurisdictional, the new system cannot be established without international cooperation. It should be administered by WIPO and the ”A?root server should also be operated by WIPO. To keep the system stable, ICANN can be re-organized as a commission under WIPO, which will be in charge of administering the DNS according to an international aggreement. The existing domain names should be permitted to transfer to new classified domain names in a provided period.

Surely, it is a hard work to the international community to establish the new DNS.
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