新冠疫情之下外资企业需重点关注的几个劳动人事问题 Several Labor and Personnel Issues to be focused on by FIEs during Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Epidemic


At the beginning of the year 2020, a sudden outbreak of the Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia swept over mainland China, and casted a shadow over China’s economic development. Fortunately, our Chinese government has taken proactive measures and has basically restrained further outbreak inboard, as a result of which, production and business operation of most enterprises have been resumed. However, the impact of the epidemic on economy has shown, certainly, those foreign invested enterprises (“FIEs”) in mainland China cannot be immune. According to the result of a survey with those company members of British Chambers of Commerce in China, 97% of the surveyed members believe that the virus has brought varying degrees of negative impact on their operations. Talent is the core element of enterprise development, therefore, labor and personnel issues (including pay cut, economic layoff, resumption of production and operation, identification of work-related injury, etc.) have become key issues to be resolved urgently while business distress being solved by enterprises.  Recently, our team have received many inquiries from our FIE clients regarding those labor and personnel issues due to the impact of epidemic, hence, this article is intended to brief relevant issues to provide useful reference for those FIEs in mainland China.


1. 是否能够以疫情为由实施降薪或进行经济性裁员?

Whether pay cut or economic layoff on the ground of the epidemic is legal?



As above-mentioned, the outbreak of epidemic will inevitably bring negative impact on the business operation of FIEs, however, whether FIEs have the right to implement pay cut or economic layoff on the ground of the epidemic? In accordance with the Notice of the General Office of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security on Properly Handling Labor Relation Issues during the Period for Prevention and Control of the Novel Coronavirus-infected Pneumonia Epidemic, where an enterprise has difficulties in production and operation due to the impact of epidemic, it may stabilize posts by adjusting salaries, rotating posts and taking holidays, shortening working hours or other means through negotiating with employees and by reaching an agreement, so as to avoid or reduce layoffs to the greatest extent. How to understand this expression? We understand that the “salary adjustment” due to difficulty in production and operation can only be pay cut instead of pay increase. Obviously, relevant authority does not oppose such pay cut by enterprises due to operation difficulty. As to the economic layoff resulted by epidemic, the official expression is “to the greatest extent to avoid or reduce” instead of “to prohibit” layoff, in other words, our human resource authority has taken a relatively tolerant attitude towards it.  However, given that Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security in principle requires enterprises to avoid or reduce layoffs, therefore, for those FIEs which really need to implement economic layoffs due to difficulties on business operations resulted from epidemic, we suggest that they shall be supported by professional lawyers to strictly follow the rules and procedures regarding layoff under relevant laws and regulations such as Labor Contract Law, thus to ensure the legality and compliance thereof. In addition, the pay cut shall be implemented based on the agreement with employees, to avoid any liability caused by violation of mandatory provisions of law[2].


2. 如何有序推进复产复工?

How to resume production and business operation orderly?




Given that the outbreak of epidemic happened during Spring Festival, many employees of FIEs went back to their hometowns or made domestic/overseas travels.  Movement of personnel within a short period will absolutely impose enormous challenges on the prevention and control of the epidemic. Therefore, it is impossible to resume the production and business operation overnight. How to resume the production and business operation as soon as possible with the compliance of relevant regulations regarding the prevention and control of epidemic, thus to minimize the loss of enterprises incurred due to epidemic? Action taken by one of our Britain-invested clients, a world-renowned real estate agent is worthy of attentions.  According to the relevant policy of our client: firstly, based on proper arrangement of extension of holidays and work-from-home at earlier stage, the transitional office mode of “3 days of on-site + 2 days of work-from-home” has been taken since Mar. 2 of 2020 when strictly complying with home quarantine regulation of return-to-Shanghai personnel; secondly, peak commute has been implemented; thirdly, for those who are still at quarantine or out of bound, their non-attendance time will be deducted by paid annual leave (except for those who are able to work from home), and, if they still cannot back to work normally after all the paid annual leave days are deducted, the national regulation in relation to wage payment during suspension will be implemented. There may be question: whether enterprise has the right to unilaterally arrange the paid annual leave of its employees without their consent? To this question, Regulations on Paid Annual Leave of Employees has specified as such: employers shall plan and arrange for their employees to take annual leave according to the actual production and work status and taking into account the personal preference of the respective employees. That is to say, employers have the right to arrange the annual leave of their employees by taking into consideration of the will of employees, instead of obtaining their consent. In other words, enterprise shall have the right to unilaterally make arrangement on the paid annual leave of its employees (including the time and length thereof, etc.) without their consent. But we also notice that, it is mentioned in Opinions on Stabilizing Employment Relationship during the Period for Prevention and Control of the Novel Coronavirus-infected Pneumonia Epidemic to Support Enterprises in Resuming Work and Production released by Ministry of Human Resource and Social Security that, the enterprises not meeting the remote working conditions shall negotiate with their employees on the priority to take various kinds of paid annual leave and welfare leave given by the enterprises themselves.  When FIEs tends to arrange annual leave of their employees during the epidemic period, it is suggested that sufficient communications shall be made with their employees and the traces of communication shall be kept such as email or we-chat record. In case of failure in reaching an agreement, a written unilateral Annual Leave Notice can be issued, in which the reason for leave arrangement and communication process shall be clearly stated, to avoid any unnecessary labor dispute.


3. 复工复产后,员工若感染新冠肺炎,能否认定为工伤?

If certain employee is infected after resumption of production and business operation, whether it can be identified as work-related injury?



As to the unfortunate death of Doctor Wenliang Li, the “Whistleblower” of the epidemic due to the Novel Coronavirus, bureau of human resource and social security of Wuhan identified it as work-related injury which is attributed to the situation of being injured in an accident in the course of work during working hours and within work premises. So, if normal employees of FIEs are infected with the virus, whether they can be identified as work-related injury?



According to the interpretation of Ministry of Human Resource and Social Security regarding Notice on Issues Concerning the Security of Medical Care and related Staff Infected with Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia in Performing Their Duties, those infected personnel who are not medical care and other related staff engaging in the prevention and treatment in respect of the Novel Coronavirus, shall not be identified as work-related injury. However, before this statement, both Guangdong and Zhejiang Province defined that certain employee who is infected with Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia due to work reason shall be identified as work-related injury[4].  Although there are big difference among various places on labor and personnel policies, we tend to consider that there exists large possibility for normal employees of FIEs being infected with the virus to be identified as work-related injury based on research of judicial cases relating to epidemics. As for what is “work reason”, it can be known from several judicial cases regarding work-related injury due to epidemic that, although work itself does not cause infection with epidemic, but, if it can be ascertained that certain employee who has taken necessary protection measures is infected with epidemic due to lack of safe working environment, judicial authorities will tend to identify such situation as work-related injury. 



For those FIEs’ foreign executives based in China, how to manage themselves during the epidemic period?



Recently, the event of “running woman of Bayer” has become one of the hottest searches. It is reported that one female Australian executive of Bayer Beijing company refused to comply with relevant regulation of home quarantine and insisted on running outdoor without mask, in addition, when being persuaded by anti-epidemic worker, she rejected the advice with an arrogant attitude. The event has kept simmering on internet and the result of which is that such female employee was finally fired by Bayer. It is indicated in Bayer’s public statement that its fire decision was made “in accordance with relevant regulations”. Such decision of Bayer has cheered people greatly, yet raised certain question: whether it has the power to manage behaviors of its employees out of working hours? and, whether such fire decision is legal? In one labor contract dispute which was judged in 2013, People’s Court of Changning District in Shanghai gave a positive answer. One air hostess of certain airline company was fired by the company due to her negative comments made on microblog against the company at spare time, the cause of which was severely violation of internal rules and regulations. The court finally supported the fire decision of the company with the reason that, as microblog had openness, big influence and communication power, the comments of such air hostess had constituted a threat of material adverse impact on the reputation and brand construction of her employer, so that her behavior had violated the internal regulations of her employer. Therefore, we hereby kindly remind those foreign executives of FIEs, please never follow “running woman of Bayer”, and please be sure to comply with relevant regulations and policies regarding prevention and control of epidemic as well as immigration, consciously accept quarantine, and follow the advice of anti-epidemic workers. Those who have symptoms of infection shall seek immediate medical treatment at the nearest hospital and truthfully describe situations such as their recent activities and close contacts to relevant authorities for rapid prevention and control measures. Meanwhile, it is suggested that FIEs shall revise and improve their Employee Handbook as well as relevant internal regulations, thus to ensure the prompt and decisive measures to be taken on the basis of legality and compliance when similar event happens.

[1] 《劳动合同法》

Labor Contract Law

第三十条 用人单位应当按照劳动合同约定和国家规定,向劳动者及时足额支付劳动报酬。


Article 30 Employers shall promptly pay labor remuneration to workers in full amount pursuant to the stipulations of the labor contract and the provisions of the State.

Where an employer defaults on payment or fails to promptly pay labor remuneration in full amount, a worker may apply to a People's Court for an order for payment and the People's Court shall issue an order for payment pursuant to the law.

第三十八条 用人单位有下列情形之一的,劳动者可以解除劳动合同:

Article 38 Under any of the following circumstances, a worker may rescind the labor contract:



(2) where the employer fails to promptly pay labor remuneration in full amount;


第四十六条 有下列情形之一的,用人单位应当向劳动者支付经济补偿:

Article 40 Under any of the following circumstances, the employer shall make economic damages to the worker:


(1) the worker has rescinded the labor contract pursuant to the provisions of Article 38;……

第八十五条 用人单位有下列情形之一的,由劳动行政部门责令限期支付劳动报酬、加班费或者经济补偿;劳动报酬低于当地最低工资标准的,应当支付其差额部分;逾期不支付的,责令用人单位按应付金额百分之五十以上百分之一百以下的标准向劳动者加付赔偿金:

Article 85 Under any of the following circumstances, the labor administrative authorities shall order the employer to pay labor remuneration, overtime wage or economic damages within a stipulated period; where the labor remuneration is lower than the minimum wage standard at the locality, the shortfall shall be paid; where payment is not made within the stipulated period, the employer shall be ordered to pay compensation to the worker based on 50% to 100% of the amount payable:


(1) the employer fails to pay labor remuneration to a worker pursuant to the provisions of the labor contract or fails to promptly pay labor remuneration in full amount pursuant to the provisions of the State;……

[2] Labor Contract Law

Article 30 Employers shall promptly pay labor remuneration to workers in full amount pursuant to the stipulations of the labor contract and the provisions of the State.

Where an employer defaults on payment or fails to promptly pay labor remuneration in full amount, a worker may apply to a People's Court for an order for payment and the People's Court shall issue an order for payment pursuant to the law.

Article 38 Under any of the following circumstances, a worker may rescind the labor contract:


 (2) where the employer fails to promptly pay labor remuneration in full amount;


Article 40 Under any of the following circumstances, the employer shall make economic damages to the worker:

(1) the worker has rescinded the labor contract pursuant to the provisions of Article 38;……

Article 85 Under any of the following circumstances, the labor administrative authorities shall order the employer to pay labor remuneration, overtime wage or economic damages within a stipulated period; where the labor remuneration is lower than the minimum wage standard at the locality, the shortfall shall be paid; where payment is not made within the stipulated period, the employer shall be ordered to pay compensation to the worker based on 50% to 100% of the amount payable:

 (1) the employer fails to pay labor remuneration to a worker pursuant to the provisions of the labor contract or fails to promptly pay labor remuneration in full amount pursuant to the provisions of the State;……



[4] On Feb.6 of 2020, the Press Office of Guangdong Municipal Government specified at the press conference regarding prevention and control of epidemic that, certain employee who is infected with Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia due to work reason during working hours shall be identified as work-related injury in accordance with Social Security Law and Regulations on Work-related Injury Insurance, and shall enjoy work-related injury insurance benefits according to Regulations on Work-related Injury Insurance.

It is specified in Item 5 of Article 1 under the Implementation Opinions of the First Civil Division of Supreme People‘s Court of Zhejiang Province on Standardizing Relevant Civil Legal Disputes in relation to Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia (trial) that certain employee who is infected with Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia due to work reason during the prevention and control period of epidemic, shall be identified as work-related injury and shall enjoy work-related injury insurance benefits by law.

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